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    We offer the public in one place, the basic orientation and information services of the participating Partner Agencies.


Partner Agencies may have one or more people at the Center to explain the services and programs they offer to clients. Instead they can attend a fixed day a week, which will be informed to clients and will be offered appointments to be seen.


They will provide literature so that the public can receive guidance on the services they offer, the requirements to receive them, how to qualify for these and the contact persons to be served.


Among the services we provide are:

  • Guidance on eligibility for program activities.

  • Orientation to Employers.

  • Job search services for adults and the displaced.

  • Opportunities for support services, training and employment for people displaced from their jobs, young adults and economically disadvantaged adults.

  • Provision of photocopier, telephone, printer and fax for the benefit of your employment procedures.

  • Portfolio preparation.

  • Veterans Program Services.

  • Guidance on how to prepare a resume, cover letter, and thank you letter.

  • Access to the Internet for employment procedures and sending a resume.

  • Services to migrants and seasonal agricultural employees.

  • Orientation on the labor market.

  • Workshops on job search techniques.


Local Labor Development Area

    It is the unit that operates the WIOA Funds in each Consortium or Municipality. It has an administrative function, for which it is assigned 10% of the budget and an operational one, which receives the remaining 90%. WIOA's operational role is offered through three (3) programs: Youth, Adult, and Displaced Jobs.


For more information, click here  

Entre los servicios que brindamos se encuentran:

  • Orientación sobre elegibilidad para actividades programáticas.

  • Orientación a Patronos.

  • Servicios de búsqueda de empleo para adultos y desplazados.

  • Oportunidades de servicios de sostén, adiestramientos y empleo a personas desplazadas de sus empleos, jóvenes adultos y adultos económicamente desaventajados.

  • Disposición de fotocopiadora, teléfono, impresora y fax para el beneficio de sus gestiones de empleo.

  • Preparación del portafolio.

  • Servicios del Programa de Veteranos.

  • Orientación sobre cómo preparar un resume, una carta de presentación y de agradecimiento.

  • Acceso al Internet para gestiones de empleo y envío de resume.

  • Servicios a migrantes y empleados agrícolas de temporadas.

  • Orientación sobre el mercado laboral.

  • Talleres sobre técnicas en la búsqueda de empleo.

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Conexión Laboral

Horario / Hours of Service

Lunes a Viernes /

Monday to Friday:

8:00am a 12:00pm

y 1:00pm a  4:30pm

Contacto / Contact:

Jeannette M. Calderón Rodríguez

(787) 840 - 2900, ext.4037

Calle Isabel #61-63

Ponce, Puerto Rico

Síguenos / Follow us:

  • ALDL Facebook

Conexión Laboral de Ponce es un patrono que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades en el empleo y no discrimina por razones de sexo, edad, color, raza, impedimentos físicos, creencias religiosas o pilíticas, orientación sexual e identidad de género.  Estarán disponibles ayudas auxiliares y servicios para individuos con impedimentos que lo soliciten , TDD/TTY (787) 844-5823. Centro de Trabajo Libre de Drogras y Alcohol.

Local Board / Ponce © Copyright. All Right Reserves . 2019

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